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Sacagawea Heritage Trail

 The wheelchair accessible 22-mile Sacagawea Heritage Trail circles the river and extends through Pasco, Richland and Kennewick. A longer 23-mile route continues west on Columbia Drive across the Yakima River and back to the smaller loop trail connecting at Marina Park. The trail along the Columbia River weaves between sections of riparian habitat that provide an opportunity to get up-close to nature from an easily accessible paved trail system. View songbirds, migrating waterfowl, American White Pelican, Osprey, blue heron, duck and pheasant. And occasionally even skunk, deer, beaver, river otter, snakes and other local wildlife.
Picture coming soon

Location: Benton County
City(s): Pasco, Richland, Kennewick, WA
Length: 22 miles.  

Facilities Trail Condition  
Drinking Water:  No
Restrooms:  No
Benches:  Yes
Picnic Tables:  No
Surface Type:  Paved
Surface Quality: 

0 = none/ the worst
5 = average
10 = excellent

Sacagawea Trail Map
1. Connects to the Richland Riverfront Trail

1. This trail is being upgraded and extended for the Lewis and Clark bicentenial celebrations.
2. The trail between Richland's Columbia Point Marina and Wye Park is scheduled for completion in spring 2007. The final main trail section between the Cable Bridge and the Port of Pasco is slated for completion in late 2007. Additional trail spurs and connections are also being explored.

Directions: The easiest access point is from Columbia Park in Kennewick. Take State Route 240 to Edison Street and follow signs to the park.

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