Are you just starting out? Then rental skis may be the
best way to go until you know what you want. You can rent cross country skis at outdoor
stores like REI
or Marmot; or
even at the ski resorts. (Snoqualmie
or Stevens Pass, for instance.)
There is some variation in pricing, but for winter of 2004-2005 it looks like
you can expect to pay about $16 - $18 for rental of cross country skis, boots and
poles; slightly higher for skate ski packages. (A tad more costly at
the ski resorts.) Want to get your own skis? You can invest in a
relatively inexpensive new cross country package for about $200 or so, or
you can get even cheaper with used skis. Here are ideas on where to
save money on used equipment:
- Second Ascent, a used outdoor
gear shop. I saw some nice bargains there the other day...
- Thrift stores, such as St. Vincent de Paul or Value
Village. I recently picked up some decent ski poles for $2.99.
- Used sporting goods stores. Only example I know of is Play
It Again Sports, which has locations everywhere.
- Ski sales. Usually these happen at the outdoor stores
towards the end of the season. Watch the papers for these sales.
- Gear Grab at the Mountaineers.
About every 3 months, the Mountaineers host a "Gear Grab" where
people sell used equipment, including cross country ski equipment and
clothing. There are often bargains to be had, but get there early
for best selection! (I got a great pair of skis for $40 once.)
Check the club bulletin if you're a member or call the clubhouse
(206-284-8484) to find out
when the next one is scheduled.
- Garage sales. You never know what you'll find (shades
of Forrest Gump!) at a
garage sale. I got a nice pair of track skis that had the same 3-pin
binding as my other skis -- for $30.
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